It’s been a tough few months for all of us here in the United States and abroad. It seems there isn’t any place untouched by the corona-virus. All of us are dealing with the uncertainty of our health, our education, our jobs and our futures. It’s enough to make anyone stressed and depressed, including us, but the resilience of our community and our town has given us strength.
Everywhere we look are signs of hope and love!

Mask makers on MDI got to work right away making masks and handing them out to the local doctor’s offices, grocery and hardware stores. The students at MDI High School (with support of local technology company, Compusult, Inc.) gathered all of the district’s 3-D printers and produced plastic ear protectors and face shields for local health care workers and hospitals.

Facebook pages of helpers sprouted up such as MDI Pandemic Helpers and It Takes an Island where locals signed up to shop and deliver groceries to home bound residents. A local restaurant worker started We’re Still Here MDI to provide information on how to support struggling local businesses by purchasing gift cards and ordering take out.
We also know how much our local kids have had to give up, missing their Spring athletic season, theater and music performances, trips and graduation ceremonies. The adminstrators, teachers and staff have worked tirelessly to show our kids how much we love and miss them! Drive by birthday celebrations with fire trucks and sirens have become normal weekend activities around here!

Matt and I are thankful to live, work and raise our children on this wonderful island in Maine! Photo credits to Bo Greene, Aliyah Keeley, Linda Homer, Jena Young, and Michelle Allvin. Pictures representing Side Street Cafe, Massage Bar Harbor, Window Panes, and Sherman’s Book Store.

Join the Facebook page above to see what’s happening on Mount Desert. You can support our local businesses from away by shopping online, purchasing gift cards for use later when you can visit, or by posting reviews of the places you love online on sites such as TripAdvisor and Google.
Please stay safe and stay strong wherever you are!
Matt and Kristi